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The ANRESIS-guide

The ANRESIS-guide aims at assisting health professionals by providing intuitive access to the latest antimicrobial resistance data and swiss national guidelines.

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Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotic resistance is worldwide on the rise. It is one of the most important threats for human medicine in this century.

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Antibiotic Consumption

Antibiotic use is one of the most important triggers for antibiotic resistance.

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Resistance Data Veterinary Medicine

Antibiotic resistance affects human and veterinary medicine (“one health”).

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ANRESIS, the Swiss Centre for Antibiotic Resistance is a nationwide, representative surveillance system and research instrument for antibiotic resistance and consumption. It is led by the Institute for Infectious Diseases (IFIK) of the University of Bern and is financially supported by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) and the IFIK.

ANRESIS was present at this year's ESCMID Global congress with posters on the WHO target of 60% Access group antibiotics reached by Switzerland ( and on extended-spectrum cephalosporin resistances during the COVID-19 pandemic (

ANRESIS was featured in the SRF - Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen daily News Plus podcast on the topic "Antibiotic resistance: how big is the problem in Switzerland?"

📰Aktuell in der Schweizerischen Ärztezeitung: ANRESIS stellt sich und seine neuen Tools vor! Wie wir die Ärzteschaft mit dem ANRESIS-guide und weiteren Anwendungen beim richtigen Einsatz von Antibiotika unterstützen

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ANRESIS continuously collects all anonymized resistance data that is generated in routine diagnostics from

> 30 Laboratories for human medicine
10 Laboratories for veterinary medicine
> 70 Hospital pharmacies
> 1000 Pharmacies

ANRESIS is supported by the following Organisations

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